Title: All Study and No Play Author: Kat Lee Fandom: Supernatural Character/Pairing: Kevin, Mrs. Tran Rating: PG/K+ Challenge/Prompt: SPN_BigPretzel DEW: Kevin + Crime and Punishment Warning(s): Cannon Character Death, Spoilers Word Count: 100 Date Written: 20 August 2017 Summary: ( It's not so bad after all. )
Title: Kevin’s Secret Place Characters: Kevin Tran and Mrs Tran Rating: PG Word count: 200 - sorry it's a double-drabble this week! Warning/Spoilers: none Prompt: DEW - Characters - Kevin and Mama Tran; Theme - any country exept the one you live in (!!!) Disclaimer: Just for fun, not profit
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Title: Destined For Greatness Rating: Gen Genre: bittersweet humour Characters: Kevin Tran, Linda Tran Spoilers/Warnings: none Word Count: 100 Summary: Kevin had always been small but always destined for greatness.
Title: Spirit of History Author: theymp Genre: Mild humour Characters: Mrs. Tran Pairing: None Rating: PG-13 Word count: 100 Warning: I tried calling her Mama Tran, or even just Linda, but you should have seen the glare...
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters - these were created by Eric Kripke - I'm just borrowing them. I'm not making
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TITLE: No Excuses CHARACTERS: Linda and Kevin Tran GENRE: Gen RATING: G WARNINGS: Forced viewing of educational television? SPOILERS: Up to parts of Season Nine, so I’ll put it under a cut, just in case. WORDS: 100